If you are a woman, you must be aware that laser hair removal is a popular choice for clean, smooth, and silky skin, to look and feel. Earlier, waxing and hair removal creams were the most popular techniques for hair removal. Thanks to the advanced technology available today, women no longer need to go through painful waxing and tweezing sessions every month or wait out that awkward period for hair to grow ‘just right’ for waxing! For now, we have laser hair removal! And not just for women, it is a growing choice with men as well!
First, let us understand how Laser Hair Removal treatment works.
It is so compelling that you will feel the difference in just one session – the skin feels silkier and smoother than before. However, you will be wondering why laser therapy requires multiple sessions to permanently remove the hair or break the cycle of regrowth. Watch this space for our upcoming blog on it.
Laser Hair Removal Treatment has many advantages over conventional hair removal methods. Let us know them in detail.
Conventional Hair Removal methods
Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Waxing is messy and time-consuming
Laser, on the other hand, can target multiple hair follicles in about a fraction of a second. So, small areas such as upper lips can be treated in less than a minute while larger areas may take anywhere between 30-45 minutes.
Waxing often leads to ingrown hair and ugly red bumps
Laser treatment targets only the hair follicle and efficiently destroys it without damaging the surrounding skin. Hence, it leaves less scope for ingrown hair.
With waxing, hair starts to appear in about two weeks time. Not to mention that one cannot wax again until the hair has grown a certain length.
Laser treatment ensures that the hair follicles are permanently destroyed so that the hair growth reduces and eventually does not grow again.
Waxing is costly since it needs to be done repeatedly throughout life
Laser permanently removes hair and so it is more cost effective in long run
Waxing is a harrowing task when it comes to the delicate areas of the body.
With laser, removing hair even in the most sensitive areas is more comfortable and less painful.
Tips to follow before and after the Laser Hair Removal treatment
Since laser treatments are carried out by expert professionals, the side effects of this procedure are minimal.
Before undergoing laser hair removal, you must go without waxing and shaving at least for six weeks before the process. This is because the laser targets the roots of the hair and waxing and shaving will only hamper the effectiveness of the treatment.
It is essential to avoid sun exposure after the laser sessions for a few days as it can create unnecessary complications. Wearing sunscreen is a must.
Laser hair removal is rapidly gaining ground and becoming popular both with men and women owing to the host of benefits that it offers.
RichFeel, the pioneer of trichology in India is the first hair clinic to bring Cool Brush Hair Reduction technology with RF ICE CUBE 2.0, for the benefit of its customers in India. This latest and most advanced technology in the world is better than any other method of hair removal including conventional laser technology and is serviced in roughly just half the standard treatment time per sitting. Click here to know more about RF ICE CUBE 2.0.