Tired of waxing and plucking? Check out the modern painless hair removal technology!

If you are a woman, you must be aware that laser hair removal is a popular choice for clean, smooth, and silky skin, to look and feel. Earlier, waxing and hair removal creams were the most popular techniques for hair removal. Thanks to the advanced technology available today, women no longer need to go through painful waxing and tweezing sessions every month or wait out that awkward period for hair to grow ‘just right’ for waxing! For now, we have laser hair removal! And not just for women, it is a growing choice with men as well!

First, let us understand how Laser Hair Removal treatment works.

It is so compelling that you will feel the difference in just one session – the skin feels silkier and smoother than before. However, you will be wondering why laser therapy requires multiple sessions to permanently remove the hair or break the cycle of regrowth. Watch this space for our upcoming blog on it.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment has many advantages over conventional hair removal methods. Let us know them in detail.

Conventional Hair Removal methods

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Waxing is messy and time-consuming

Laser, on the other hand, can target multiple hair follicles in about a fraction of a second. So, small areas such as upper lips can be treated in less than a minute while larger areas may take anywhere between 30-45 minutes.

Waxing often leads to ingrown hair and ugly red bumps

Laser treatment targets only the hair follicle and efficiently destroys it without damaging the surrounding skin. Hence, it leaves less scope for ingrown hair.

With waxing, hair starts to appear in about two weeks time. Not to mention that one cannot wax again until the hair has grown a certain length.

Laser treatment ensures that the hair follicles are permanently destroyed so that the hair growth reduces and eventually does not grow again.

Waxing is costly since it needs to be done repeatedly throughout life

Laser permanently removes hair and so it is more cost effective in long run

Waxing is a harrowing task when it comes to the delicate areas of the body.

With laser, removing hair even in the most sensitive areas is more comfortable and less painful.

Tips to follow before and after the Laser Hair Removal treatment

Since laser treatments are carried out by expert professionals, the side effects of this procedure are minimal.
Before undergoing laser hair removal, you must go without waxing and shaving at least for six weeks before the process. This is because the laser targets the roots of the hair and waxing and shaving will only hamper the effectiveness of the treatment.
It is essential to avoid sun exposure after the laser sessions for a few days as it can create unnecessary complications. Wearing sunscreen is a must.
Laser hair removal is rapidly gaining ground and becoming popular both with men and women owing to the host of benefits that it offers.

RichFeel, the pioneer of trichology in India is the first hair clinic to bring Cool Brush Hair Reduction technology with RF ICE CUBE 2.0, for the benefit of its customers in India. This latest and most advanced technology in the world is better than any other method of hair removal including conventional laser technology and is serviced in roughly just half the standard treatment time per sitting. Click here to know more about RF ICE CUBE 2.0.

Female hormone may just be one of the answers to quicker ulcer healing

Doctors have discovered why wounds such as ulcers take longer to heal in older people and they believe a cream containing the female hormone Oestrogen could be the answer.

About 2000 people in the UK, many of them over 65 have an open wound such as ulcer or pressure sore that fails to heal, a problem which cost the NHS up to 3billion euros a year. Diabetics, the elderly and people with nerve damage or circulatory problem are, particularly at risk.

Not only are these wounds painful and debilitating, taking months to heal or in some cases, never healing, they also leave people exposed to potentially life-threatening infections because there is no barrier preventing bacteria from entering the body.

Furthermore, research shows that patients who develop a non-healing wound staying in the hospital three times longer than they should. Until now, it has been poorly understood why some wounds take a long time to heal. It’s thought it is because cells are not coordinating properly to allow tissues to heal, although the precise mechanism is not known. This means current treatments like dressing and even the use of maggots to clean wounds are largely ineffective. For some, the only solution is amputation.

Researchers at the University of Manchester have discovered that the female hormone, Oestrogen, which is naturally present in both men and women plays a key role in wound healing.

Estrogen levels decline in both men and women as they get older as part of the natural aging process: in women after menopause while men experience a gradual fall from their 20s. Falling Oestrogen is known to age the skin, reduce elasticity and altering the body’s response to inflammation.

Laboratory tests have now shown that estrogen has an effect on a range of different cells within a wound. The research involved taking samples from young and older men and looking for differences in the genes involved in the body’s healing process. scientist found that the main variation was in the genes affected by estrogen. The differences in the genes were very strong between the young and older men, explains Dr. Matthew Hardman of the University of Manchester, the one whom this breakthrough is accredited to.

In other words, the natural fall in estrogen levels that occurs with age is the reason wounds do not tend to heal in older people. This lead to the conclusion that if older people could be given Oestrogen their bodies would heal better. “We knew estrogen was important in healing but we didn’t realize it played such a pivotal role. Our discovery could lead to a new treatment for people with non-healing wounds”.

As comforting as it sounds, this was the beginning of the future. This would make a huge difference, as these wounds are not only painful but cause immobility and social isolation.

However, it is not possible to simply give patient estrogen because of its side effect which includes increased risk of cancer so “treatment option using compounds similar to estrogen but without side effect has been in development and testing”. Breast cancer drugs Tamoxifen, which is similar in structure to estrogen has been identified as a possible treatment for non-healing wounds.

Its is important to note the always, opting for a more natural approach has never been a bad idea.

Reducing sugar intake and getting involved in at least 30 min of workout could also boost one estrogen level. Smoking is dangerous to our health in general. In premenopausal women, smoking is associated with the early onset of menopause.

Eating healthy foods that are rich in phytoestrogen gives the body a chance to produce estrogen naturally, some of this food includes: Flax seeds, Sesame seeds, Soybeans, Soy Milk, Soy Yogurt, Tofu, Peaches, Strawberries, Alfalfa Sprouts, Mung Bean Sprouts, Green Beans, White Beans, Black Beans, Pistachios, Walnuts, Peanuts, Dried Apricots, Dates, Dried Prunes, and Garlic.

Know if you are getting enough estrogen, full body checkup, know your estrogen level, that might just be the beginning of you getting your life back

Breakthrough Disinfection Solution Kills Harmful Bacteria on Phones Without Harming the Devices

Mobile devices have changed pretty much every industry. However, healthcare was affected in some rather serious, yet unexpected ways. Mobile devices pose a huge risk for Infection Control. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1.7 million people a year are developing healthcare-acquired infections, leading to almost 100,000 annual deaths. Handwashing, or rather lack thereof, is considered to be a primary root, but it’s a tad more complicated than that. The (CDC) estimates that 80% of infections are transmitted by hands. But what if you touch your unsanitized phone immediately after washing your hands? Even worse, what if you had just been treating infectious patients?

The consequences of poor hand hygiene in the healthcare space are fatal. This has been clear for quite some time. New routines must now be developed in order to adapt to the threats that have come along with the innovations of mobile devices. But if only it were so simple. Many of the disinfection machines that were made to clean mobile devices also damage them over time. Hospitals can’t have their communication devices negating all the effort they put into maintaining good hand hygiene, but they also can’t afford to buy an already expensive machine that is going to cost them even more money in the long run when it damages everybody’s iPhones and iPads.

Enter the ElectroClave. It doesn’t use heat or degrade materials, but rather UV-C light disinfection technology. Seal Shield, their manufacturer, conducted 3rd party analysis with Vocera to show that after 1 year of continuous exposure under the LEDs, their Vocera Badges had no material degradation. Competitors with far less effective disinfection technology tend to also damage people’s mobile devices, on top of not disinfecting them properly.

The ElectroClave is capable of killing 99.9% of germs on your phone with only a sixty second cycle. If that’s not enough for you, with a six-minute cycle, the ElectroClave can actually eliminate 99.9999% of germs on your device. Perhaps these numbers don’t fully do justice how effective this product is.

Here’s another way to look at it. You are literally more likely to be struck and killed by lightning in your lifetime than a microorganism is to survive six minutes in this device. The 2-8 Miami Dolphins have better odds in Vegas to win the Super Bowl than a bacteria has to survive in this device. How likely do you think it is that P. Diddy will play the next James Bond? The Vegas odds on that happening are actually 2,000 times higher than the chances a potentially harmful bacteria will survive on your phone after going through this six-minute cycle. If you feel confident that Diddy won’t be playing James Bond anytime soon, you should feel 2,000 times more confident in this device’s efficacy.

This makes it all the more impressive that this device is able to accomplish such an extensive disinfection process, without damaging your devices one bit. Wondering how it’s done? It employs filtration media to avoid dust and particulates from entering the bays in order to boost efficacy by getting rid of shadowing. Additionally, its disinfection bays are built of quartz to guarantee the shelf the mobile device is placed on isn’t blocking any of the UV-C light. So if you insert your phone into the device for a disinfection cycle, there won’t be a spot that remains unaffected by the disinfection process, yet your phone will look exactly like it did when you put it in.

8 Ways to Save on the Cost of Prescription Drugs

Time and again, families frame a budget plan for their basic requirements such as food, housing, clothing as well as transportation. Yet, at times life gets in the way of preserving a balance between personal budget as well as the high cost of prescription medications for an unpredicted medical condition. Repeatedly, the one-time expenditure on a pricey medication or the continuing expense of monthly prescriptions ends up disturbing a bank account. Fortunately, you do have alternatives for assisting in the reduction of the overall cost of prescription drugs for both acute as well as chronic conditions.

Ways for prescription savings:

Demand Generic or Low-Cost Drugs
Generic medications aren’t always obtainable, but it’s significant to lay stress upon your doctor that the price of the drug is very vital to you and you are seeking the lowest-cost prescription drug which is accessible. As per the Mayo Clinic, generic medications are thought to contain different fillers as compared to their name-brand equivalents, but the FDA needs them to meet the similar standards of quality, purity as well as strength just like the name-brand drugs.

Save on prescriptions by accessing a Mail-Order Pharmacy
When you lift up your monthly prescriptions from a pharmacy, the overhead expenses of the pharmacy gets transferred to you. Mail-order pharmacies are a great way to save you money by lowering overhead expenses, ensuring a good reduction in the prices of your prescriptions. In addition, they are a convenient way out if you go exhausted from trekking backward and forward to a local pharmacy.

With the help of a Prescription Assistance Program
A number of pharmaceutical firms make use of prescription assistance programs (PAPs). These programs are quite versatile for uninsured or under-insured clients. The prescription medications that qualify for PAPs are frequently very high-cost, so pharmaceutical firm makes use of PAPs for making their products accessible to the public.

Making use of a bendable spending account or health savings account
As healthcare improvement flows across America, the majority of employers are offering bendable spending accounts (FSAs) or health spending accounts (HSAs) to employees. The major advantage of both FSAs, as well as HSAs, is they permit their clients to finance medical expenses, such as prescriptions, by means of pre-tax earnings. Based upon your marginal tax rate, savings can be substantial.

Attain a NACo Card
The NACo card is a means of getting discount prescription drugs available to any person residing in neighboring U.S. counties. In order to enroll, you need to visit the NACo website and complete the online submission form. Then you must input your zip code in order to make out if the program is obtainable in your region, and if it is, NACo would send the savings card to your home at no cost.

Qualify for Medicare Extra Help
Medicare Part D can receive price breaks on prescription drugs if they qualify the Extra Help program eligibility necessities such as:

An added Security Income and/or Medicaid help
Additional assistance “Notice of Award” from Social Security
A notice from Medicare mentioning you are automatically eligible
An Extra Help automatic enrollment notice from Medicare
Ask for a State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program
State pharmaceutical assistance programs (SPAPs) are a means to catch the uninsured or under-insured people who cannot make use of pharmaceutical company PAPs, or earn a large amount of money for Medicaid, or aren’t eligible for Medicare Extra Help. Such programs are not obtainable in every state, and they don’t cover every condition and every medicine.

Look for some Local Programs
It would be negligent not to talk about the majority of local programs obtainable to clients in need. A number of counties in big urban areas are equipped with county hospitals funded by tax dollars for assisting people without insurance. These county hospitals register qualified participants in their programs as well as put forward price breaks on prescriptions.